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Friday, August 1, 2014


If there is one thing that I will remember about #TNEI2015 finalist EM-EM Bunyi, it would be that she is the earliest plus size model to arrive during the go-see, and the Universe knows how much I love early people. It clearly shows that this opportunity really mattered to her and she respected everyone’s time --- a couple of characteristics that I need for The Next Erzullie Icon.

I know that at first, she was a little “careful” around us (as any new person in a new environment would), but she warmed up rather quickly and melted with us as we ate breakfast while waiting for the other gorgeous ladies. She was fun, spunky, naturally confident and extremely social. There was something raw about Ms. Bunyi during the whole thing. You just know that what you see is what you get with her, and if there is one thing that Erzulliestas love --- it’s authenticity.

So how about it, ladies? Will Em-Em Bunyi get some love notes from you on this one?


Erzullie is a fierce plus size fashion brand from the Philippines dedicated to serving exclusive designer styles to the empowered Erzulliesta. Shop online: