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Friday, June 23, 2017


You say one thing and people listen. You do one thing and people follow. Everyone is just left wondering --- how can one woman give an effect like this?

You're an Erzulliesta. That's why.

It's probably because you know yourself well, know which skills will make you get what you want and know how to take make people tick. You are influential in a way that you set trends and make an impact on everyone that you meet. And of course, it's because of your fierce energy inside that you just can't help but to exude.

You inspire people with the life that you lead, the words that you say and the actions that you make. You are meant to change the world with your influence and you use this power wisely.

Damn. You are one fiesty, Erzulliesta and you know how to use #THEPOWEROFE.

Cheers to that.

Mother Fierce

Join your powerful, wealthy, beautiful Erzulliesta sisters! Sign up and get an invite below!


Erzullie is an invite-only fierce plus size fashion designer brand from the Philippines dedicated to serving the style of the empowered Erzulliesta. Get invited: