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Friday, November 17, 2017


Can’t deny this one. Even I am guilty of buying a lot of things only to actually just use one of them for a long time daily. And as Erzulliestas, we aim to love all parts of us as much as possible. But then again if it saves us a few pennies for our other future investments, why not learn the things that you only really need one of, right? These are mine. What are yours?

#1 Lipstick

Yes. We all love different shades of lipsticks. I have 4 in my roster/rotation, but I have to admit I only have one go-to shade, when time for make-up is extremely pressed and it must go well on my face and any outfit I can think of, it is always MAC “Up The Amplified”.

#2 Daily flat shoes

I am going to be honest. I have around 3-5 flats, but I only tend to use JUST ONE for all of my daily outfits. I wear heels only when I want to amp up my mood to Erzulliesta mode or when there are events that call for it. But most of the time, if I can wear flats --- I will.

My current one is a white jelly sandal flat. And truth be told, when I come rushing to the door, it cuts my decision time in half on what shoe would look great on my outfit that day. It’s always that sandal.

#3 Nude bra

I have 3 nude bras that I RARELY WEAR. All of the bras I do wear are all black and because of the following:

First, black is my favorite color.

Second, black goes with the majority of my outfits.

Third, black makes me feel sexy and powerful.

And the only time that I do wear a nude bra is because I have no other choice because my 9 other black bras are in the laundry or something --- and that happens rarely. I am very strict with my laundry schedule.

Erzullie is an invite-only fierce plus size fashion designer brand from the Philippines dedicated to serving the style of the empowered Erzulliesta. Get invited: