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Friday, November 10, 2017


We know you Erzulliestas have you style down to every minute detail, but as career women, there are times that obligations can get in the way. So in order to maximize your style better with your time, here are 3 ways to cut your dressing time in half.

#1 Know your core items and put them where you can see them immediately.

Core items are basically your plus size fashion pieces that you absolutely go to THAT goes well with the rest of the items in your closet. These are basically the foundation pieces that you need to wear to be able to go out in public.

For example, you are a dress person, then dress is your core item. But not all dresses are made equal. And even if you deny it, there is always this 1-5 dresses that you just put in rotation that you always wear all year round. Find out what are these and always put them on sight. This way, you can easily grab them.

Same goes with the top + bottom jean Erzulliesta. If you are always wearing tops and bottoms (whether it's jeans or what) then that is your core item. However, pick ones that you always swear by and always put them in front of the rest.

Tip: it's usually the dress that is easy to put on and makes you feel fierce instantaneously. Mine would be this Erzullie maxi dress that I style in various ways. I pile on think to thick belts. Chunky to minimalist accessories from clutch down to cross body bags. Even heels and flats. It just goes well to almost everything!

#2 Have a small and open accessory tray.

It can just be an old cheap dish from your kitchen, but as long as you feel fierce when you put your go to accessory on it, it's more than enough.

Now this accessory tray is different from your other jewelry organizers. For one thing, the only thing you will place there are the accessories that you wear DAILY. Yes. That's right. When you go home, you take off your accessory and you place it there. The next day, when you are almost out the door, the dish is open (no need to fiddle with the cabinets) and take what you need and go.

And if you see that your dish is having a "second layer" of accessory on it already, it's time to organize and file.

#3 Know your week.

We know you ladies love to dress for the occasion with a twist of your style, of course. And knowing you ladies, we know that you have a lot of things going on.

So take a look at your calendar a week ahead and it only takes a maximum of an hour to scan if you need to prepare for something special. If you, plan the outfit and hang it up. When that day comes, you just need to take out that outfit, put it on and you are good to go.

Erzullie is an invite-only fierce plus size fashion designer brand from the Philippines dedicated to serving the style of the empowered Erzulliesta. Get invited: