DECEMBER 26, 2011
7:33 AM
This Erzulliesta tweeted us her Erzulliefied photo (@erzullie). At first, she tweeted me for help on it, but judging by this photo, she is very good dressing up on her own!
I want to comment about her styling on why it's superb! First, her silhouette looks more balanced, which is one of the characteristics of an outfit. Next, the length of the skirt showcased her fabulous legs and it was just the right amount of "leg show". The skirt, cardigan and top all cinches down to the waist line, which makes her look much sleeker. The color is also not so dampening, as to make her look visually heavy, with the pop of the right color with the skirt and shoes.
Overall --- when I saw this... LOVE IT!
Azaza used a skirt from the 2010 Holiday collection, which is now RIF. (Rest in Fierceness)
Have an idea of how to fashion your Erzullie piece? Share it with other Erzulliestas here! Tweet us a photo! (@erzullie)
Aries De Guzman