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Sunday, December 18, 2016


It's the end of 2016, Erzulliestas. As you gaze upon your accomplishments this year, we like to have a bit of fun and give you a "preview" of your 2017. Check out the FIRST LETTER of your name and see our "predictions". Mind you, you can always make this fiercer!

A - You will have a bright future this year. 2017 is all about commercial and career success, which then leads to the drama of sometimes choosing between your relationships and that next big promotion. Choose wisely, Erzulliesta. Pick one that you can live with.

B - Changes, changes, changes! What more can we say? 2017 is going to be rough and wild and you will be loving it given your fun and playful nature. Just don't sweat it when things don't go as planned. In the end, it will turn out to be the best kind of scenario, after all!

C - Love and spice and everything nice! We see 2017 as your love year. If you are single, get ready to mingle and maybe take home a soulmate. If you are married, a splash of renewed love energy will be given. And for those who just suffered a break up --- self-love is the mantra of the year. Eat, pray and plus size fashion, Erzulliesta!

D - Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? That's the song you will be playing all year long. As you open up to more seductive and tempting themes in your life, you are also opening yourself up to a power that you have long forgotten you possess. Just make sure you don't abuse it, Erzulliesta. You might end up always just tempting yourself!

E - Exquisite and be a darling --- open your eyes for the only thing that is best for you. If something is not working it's because it's not meant to be. Let go of that to make room for that one thing you never actually knew you needed. Remember, Erzulliesta, if you have to chase it --- you have to chuck it.

F - For the love of all that's good --- prioritize yourself! Your kind and loving nature towards others may get in the way of your self-love path. Exhausted, tired and depleted --- things that you should start to avoid completely. You are already stressed out of your mind with your high powered career. Emotional vampires are not welcome in your life anymore.

G - Go for goals! (Or even gold!) Whatever you set your eyes on, you will get. Just make sure you put your blinders on and never forget! And as you can see this prediction has rhymed, just always know that great things come at the right time.

H - Hold on to the things you love. This year is about appreciation. You have already achieved a lot. Time to rest a bit and see your harvest. You got everything you need already, Erzulliesta. Just learn to enjoy!

I - Iridescent, luminescent and goddess-like! Spread your plus size fashion wings and fly. You may find yourself drawn to things sparkly and bright and we can't really blame you for that. You are one yourself! 2017 is your year to shine bright like an Erzulliesta and show them why you are the center of that particular universe.

J - Learn to live and let go. A beautiful new path awaits you. Just pick up the lessons and make sure to stick with it and you will get back to your own fierce curves in no time!

K- A new life direction awaits for you this year. 2017 is going to be interesting because it is an opportunity that you never actually thought you would enjoy. At first it's going to be odd why such a big chance has come upon you, but if you believe in your fierceness enough, Erzulliesta. You are going to be the best in that situation (as always).

L - More career achievements is up ahead. For the singles, love may take a little backseat, but it's not like you are going to notice anyway. For those who already are in a relationship, make sure that you also tend to your lover. A career and lover is better together, rather than just having one.

M- Money, money, money! Who would have thought your idea would cash in this way? And although some may say they don't like the changes that you have embraced, just remember that you did it for you and not for them. So rock on! Fierce up! And do you, Erzulliesta!

N- No more Ms. Victim. Absolutely, no more! Erzulliestas are tough cookies and although some may fall to that notion from time to time, it's time for you to remember who you are. You are fierce, empowered and should not take unnecessary drama from anyone or anything because your time is precious and must only be invested in things that will make you happy. Make every minute count, Erzulliesta!

O- Oh my goodness! Can things get any better? Yes it can. And it all depends on how you look at it. If you think that there is more out there for you, then it's time for you to plot your escape and work on that plan. Stick to it and have faith --- your fierceness will guide you through the hardships of forging your own lifestyle.

P- Be kind to others as you would be with yourself. But then again if you are just learning to be kind to yourself, then turn that quote around. Time to be loving towards you and focus on your own wants and needs. If these people do care about you, they will understand. If not, then good riddance!

Q- Quality time with the self is the theme of the year. You have devoted so much time and effort to all the things you like, you are yet to have time to actually enjoy them. Enjoy the fruits of your goals and learn to celebrate it every now and then. It's not always about the next step on the stairs, Erzulliesta. Sometimes, you have to sit on it and just enjoy the view.

R- Roasted to perfection --- what does that mean? It means that all good things come at the right time and for those who wait. Erzulliestas do like it fast and fun, but alas we can only control ourselves. When your goals are not yet there, don't get frustrated. Get excited. It means that it's bubbling and working and will come out perfectly, even better than you have planned!

S- Sexiness is next to Goddess-likeness --- that is what we want to say. It's time for you to embrace that side that you have always been afraid of. Being sexy is not narcissistic nor is it improper. It's about loving your body and skin and knowing that someone out there loves it too. No need to go full nude on this one, but baring your soul as who you are is necessary.

T- Tantalizing temptress, time to announce your arrival. For some reason, you are feeling like you need to be the center of attention --- either in work or your family. And why shouldn't you be? You work hard. You are fabulous and you are the standard to beat. So let your temptress side fly and enjoy how the people react to it. They will always say something is different about you, but you know you will never tell.

U- Embrace the dark side. No. This is not Star Wars. It means that you like to put away negative thoughts and feelings in fear that you will drown in them. But you have to learn that these thoughts and feelings are meant to be embraced in order to let go. After all, you wouldn't know you were beautiful, if you did not feel the absence of it. Your instinct will be sharp this year, so let that guide you in making decisions about your life and your love.

V- Be valiant. Be honorable. Keep your promises and promises to you will be kept. Time for you to put your money where your mouth is, Erzulliesta. If you have always wanted to travel the world, commit to it. 2017 is the year where you need to be courageous for what you want in order to get it!

W- Why wait for things to happen to you when you can prepare for it? While your goals are slowly manifesting throughout the year, take time to prepare for it as if you are about to get it in the meantime. This will give that goal a better environment to create in front of you. After all, if you did want that new TV, it will need a TV stand, right?

X- Kisses and hugs and everything affectionate. Feel safe to trust again in yourself and others. 2016 may have been tough in the heart, but those scars only made you stronger. Embrace the inevitable that you will be in a relationship again. Just know that whatever happens, you have survived the worst, so this will be nothing to you --- or it can actually end up better than you have hoped.

Z- Send in the creativity! The inspiration! And the triumphs! 2017 is all about achieving goals and manifesting them quickly and safely. Those that did not happen this year and you may have given up on, may actually end up popping in this year. Then you will ask yourself --- did I really need it in the first place?


Erzullie is an invite-only fierce plus size fashion designer brand from the Philippines dedicated to serving the style of the empowered Erzulliesta. Shop online: