FEBRUARY 19, 2011
11:23 AM
On monday, February 21, 2011, Erzullie will have a meeting with Cinderella to finalize the look and the concept of the plus size line in their store. Hopefully, according to Aries De Guzman, they will allow the fixtures that they have proposed to give Erzullie maximum exposure and to grab attention to the plus size women shopping in Cinderella.
"We are very honored and proud to be part of the Cinderella fashion house." Aries expressed when asked about how they are feeling about the event. "Personally, I grew up knowing Cinderella. My mother would always take me there when we need new dresses." she added.
When asked about how Erzullie is preparing for such a big step, Ms. Aries replied with excitement, "It's crazy. We have to prepare everything in 2 weeks and almost a week has passed and we are still waiting for our proposal to approve. I think the only difficulty here now would be the fixtures because they need to be fabricated."
I asked if it was true that they are now about to add a new tab in the webpage (http://erzullie.multiply.com) for "Careers", since they are constantly looking for promodizers now, in plans of expanding the outlets of the brand. She replied "yes definitely, but not in the near future. We are also looking into accepting interns soon as the brand progresses to higher levels in the fashion industry (hopefully) of course.
So there you have it! Finalization for Cinderella is on Monday, by March 2011 (judging by the interview 2 weeks...) Erzullie will be adding another first in the history of fashion, as the brand is the first and only plus size line to be accepted by Cinderella (as of now). Furthermore, watch out for careers in Erzullie and also internships!
written by: Yvalia Castellino (Fashion writer and aficionado)